What is Plus Additional Hair?

An innovative product

“Plus” is a new product that helps getting richer hair. It is made 100% of natural crops of Asian cotton and mineral pigments, the finest powder bonds to the hair strands and fills them visually thanks to static electricity. Your hair will regain its volume and brilliance. Plus Additional Hair withstands weather challenges. The hairstyle resists whatever the weather.

The fastest product on the market.


Baldness coverage in just 10 seconds

Who developed Plus Additional Hair?

A new idea originating from Northern Germany


The story of “Plus” begins with a Japanese researcher who found a cure in the 80s for the patients with hair loss problems: statically charged microscopic cotton.

Gossypium herbaceum, namely the Asian cotton, was ground by the scientist, turned into powder and natural dyes were subsequently added. The revelation was astonishing: the combination achieved was used to give volume to the thin hair. Thus, the idea and the opportunity to help millions of people was born.

Plus Cosmetics from Garbsen is the owner of this fascinating invention which was discovered, developed and refined in Asia. The powder was enriched with protective cells with vitamin E, which protect against free radicals and have been scientifically tested for harmful substances.

Asian products will be introduced on the European market with a statement of authenticity. Branded and licensed, Plus Cosmetics GmbH has its headquarters near Hannover, and “Plus” is produced under strict conditions.

Plus Cosmetics founders have innovative products that improve the quality of life – and have much experience in the professional procurement and distribution of products. They place particular emphasis on the nature, origin and gentle production process. Because what you apply on your hair must be perfect.



“Plus” este fabricat din bumbac, un produs natural cunoscut de milenii. “Plus” nu contine substante chimice care ar putea afecta pielea capului. PigmentIi de culoare sunt pe baza de minerale si nu contin agenți agresivi.


In addition, the product is enriched with vitamin E, a vitamin that protects body cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. The product was tested independently for harmful substances and is amazingly effective.


“Plus” este format din mai multe mii de particule mici de bumbac, care sunt incarcate static prin scuturarea Sperdendose. Daca produsul natural este aplicat pe par, particulele de pulbere adera  la parul existent si  ofera bogatie podoabei capilare.

On what types of hair can Plus Additional Hair be used?

Short hair

Long hair

Curly hair

“Plus” can be easily used on any hair length. If your hair is short, apply Plus Additional Hair at the roots, on the bald area. The result is immediately visible.

You can use Plus Additional Plus even on long hair, with very good results. It can be used for both thinning, rare hair or in areas where baldness is already present or developing.

Plus Additional Hair can be used successfully on curly hair. Whether the hair is rare or there are bald areas, your hair will regain its volume after applying “Plus”.

How to use Plus Additional Hair ?

In only 4 steps !

01. Washing

The procedure is very simple: wash your hair … as usual.

02. Uscare

… si se usuca. Pentru utilizarea “plus” este imperios necesar ca parul tau sa fie complet uscat si fara urme de grasime.

03. Aplicare

Aplicati “plus” cu dozatorul inițial agitandu-l viguros. Astfel, pulberea este incarcata. Apoi se aplica particulele de bumbac pe toate zonele parul scalpului, pe care doriți ca parul sa se intareasca. Ca alternativa, puteți glisa tubul pe scalp.

04. Styling

Efectul dorit incepe imediat si parul devine cu mai mult volum si culoare. Coafati parul usor cu mainile sau cu o perie moale. Daca este necesar, puteți folosi  gel de par, ceara sau spray.

Before and After

For men

Large haircut with the remaining hair

Thin hair in the back

Thin hair in the back

Thin hairs on the back of the head

Thin hair to be cut


 For the ladies

Thin hair due to hormonal changes

Thin hair due to hormonal changes

Thin hair due to hormonal changes

Klauss, barbat, varsta 60 de ani

M-am confruntat o lunga perioada de timp cu caderea parului . Nimanui nu ii place sa vorbeasca despre asta, din pacate. Prin urmare, incepusem deja sa ma vad in curand chel. Dar, cu Plus Additional Hair, parul meu a redevenit ca in trecut  – pentru mai putini bani si fara prea mult efort.

Haarig, man, 35 years old

Hair highly gets damaged when it is straightened with the straightener. I gave up this habit as my capillary adornment was very damaged. Good thing a friend sent me a link to the Plus Additional Hair website. Apart from my girlfriend nobody knows what I’m using and everybody is amazed.

Paula, femeie, varsta 45 de ani

Coafura mea arata impecabil de la radacina pana la varfuri ! Mi-a fost recomandata pentru parul subtire si am inceput aplicarea ei devreme, inainte sa imi pierd parul. Este incredibil cat de bine sunt ascunse firele de par grizonate.